Wednesday 9 April 2014

Jingwei Spiral (Bilo) Jasmine Tea from

Spiral (Bil) Jasmine Tea is a scented tea, made with selected high-grown green tea of Northern Fujian Province from its spring crop, wich is scented in a multiple process with jasmine.
The result of this painstaking process is a product displaying robust white-tipped leaves curling like spiral shells, with an aroma so rich and refreshing and a taste so delightful and mellow that it leaves an aftertaste that is pleasant and long lasting.
Brewing instruction: first rinse tea set set with hot water to preheat before brewing. Then add tea leaves to 1/3 of the teapot, fill up with 80-90 degrees Celcius hot water. Wait 40 seconds for the first brew and allow additional 5-10 seconds for subsequent brews according to personal preference.

Jinwei is a princess who die in the east sea. After dying she transform in a bird and she swear that she will fill up the sea with stones from the mountain. The sea told her that she will never succeed in a million years. She answered that she will take ten millions years or hundred millions years if necessary.  From this myth comes the Chinese expression " Jingwei filling the sea". It means a symbol of dogged determination and perseverance in the face of seemingly impossible odds.

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