Tuesday 22 April 2014

Dongting lake Tea

This lake is situated in the Hunan Province in China. I always visit the city of Yueyang when I go to China to enjoy the food, the pavilion and most importantly my in laws.
The tea is produced on a small island that you can reach by boat during the raining season or by road during the rest of the year.
It is an expensive tea. If you have the occasion to buy it is worth trying this tea.
If you are having a walk on this island, you can discover a lot of temples dedicated to the local gods.
 Some locals still made some offering to them.
The tea fields are all over the island, and it is a pleasant to walk through these tea fields. It will take you around one hour to go around the island.

But you can also walk around the small lake inside this island populated with some hungry fish. When you feed the fishes, with seeds bought to the local salesman, you can see all these fishes very colorful jumping everywhere and fighting to get the food. Usually kids enjoy the show but the adults as well...
There are also some monkeys inside the the island. If you walk a bit late in the evening and the guard is not there anymore you can pass and see the monkeys for free.

Monday 14 April 2014

Camellia Sinensis

It is a plant originated from South East Asia. It is now cultivated everywhere in the world under subtropical and tropical area.
This is like a little bush. Farmers collect the freshly grown leaves of this plant to create the tea. The tea can be white, green or black.

White tea

White tea exist in China since a couple of hundred years.
The white tea is lightly oxidized.
The tea leaves are carefully harvested, only the small burgeon are collected. The leaves are dryied under the sun and the shadow from China.
Because the white tea do not require panning rolling or shaking, it has the same property then the fresh tea leaves.
The Fujian province is the main producer of white tea in China.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Jingwei Spiral (Bilo) Jasmine Tea from Tenfu.com

Spiral (Bil) Jasmine Tea is a scented tea, made with selected high-grown green tea of Northern Fujian Province from its spring crop, wich is scented in a multiple process with jasmine.
The result of this painstaking process is a product displaying robust white-tipped leaves curling like spiral shells, with an aroma so rich and refreshing and a taste so delightful and mellow that it leaves an aftertaste that is pleasant and long lasting.
Brewing instruction: first rinse tea set set with hot water to preheat before brewing. Then add tea leaves to 1/3 of the teapot, fill up with 80-90 degrees Celcius hot water. Wait 40 seconds for the first brew and allow additional 5-10 seconds for subsequent brews according to personal preference.

Jinwei is a princess who die in the east sea. After dying she transform in a bird and she swear that she will fill up the sea with stones from the mountain. The sea told her that she will never succeed in a million years. She answered that she will take ten millions years or hundred millions years if necessary.  From this myth comes the Chinese expression " Jingwei filling the sea". It means a symbol of dogged determination and perseverance in the face of seemingly impossible odds.

Monday 7 April 2014

Oolong Tea

It is a traditional Chinese tea. It is produced following a unique process. The leaves are withering under the sun and then oxidise, curled and twisted.